1. The Medical practitioner advises the Insured person to undergo treatment at home.
2. There is a continuous active line of treatment with monitoring of the health status by a medical practitioner for each day through the duration of the home care treatment.
3. Daily monitoring chart including records of treatment administered duly signed by the treating doctor is maintained.
Name Corona Kavach Policy
Product Type Individual/Floater
Category of Benefit
Sum Insured Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand) to 5,00,000 (Five Lakh) (in the multiples of fifty thousand)
On Individual basis– SI shall apply to each individual family member
On Floater basis– SI shall apply to the entire family.
Policy Period Three and half months (3½ months), Six and half months (6½ months), Nine and half months (9½ months) including waiting periods
Eligibility Policy can be availed by persons between the age of 18 Years up to 65 Years, as Proposer. Proposer with higher age can obtain policy for family, without covering self.
Policy can be availed for Self and the following family members
Legally wedded spouse Parents & Parents-in-law Dependent Children (i.e natural or legally adopted) between the day 1 of age to 25 years. If the child above 18 years of age is financially independent, he or she shall be ineligible.
Hospitalization Expenses
Medical Expenses of Hospitalization for Covid for a minimum period of 24 consecutive hours shall be admissible.
Pre Hospitalization For 15 days prior to the date of hospitalization/home care treatment
Post Hospitalization 30 days from the date of discharge from the hospital/completion of home care treatment
Sub-limits Hospital Daily Cash: 0.5% of Sum Insured per day subject to maximum of 15 days in a policy period for every insured member.
Home Care Treatment: Maximum up to 14 days per incident
AYUSH Medical Expenses incurred for inpatient care treatment for Covid under Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy systems of medicines shall be covered up to sum insured during the Policy period as specified in the policy schedule.
Home Care Treatment Expenses
The Company shall indemnify costs of treatment incurred by the Insured person for availing treatment at home for Covid on positive diagnosis of Covid in a Government authorized diagnostic Centre maximum up to 14 days per incident, which in the normal course would require care and treatment at a hospital but is actually taken while confined at home subject to policy terms and conditions.